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Acne Scar Laser Treatment


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About your skin
We were all born with smooth, baby-soft skin. As we go through life, our skin is subject to numerous experiences that leave it less than perfect. For many of us, our first exposure to skin problems are with chicken pox in childhood, then acne scars in our teen years. Some of us are lucky enough to escape these hazards. However, time, heredity and gravity are still doing their part to create fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the mouth and eyes. Over-exposure to the sun, alcohol use, and smoking are all known to significantly accelerate the signs of aging.

Laser Skin Resurfacing
We are now able to remove surface imperfections and dramatically reduce lines and wrinkles with a new procedure called laser skin resurfacing. Using the computer controlled CO(2) or COOL-SKIN laser, we can gently remove sun-damaged, aging skin, helping to stimulate regeneration of the healthy skin producing smoother, fresher, younger-looking skin. The laser uses a beam of light to vaporize scarred, lined, wrinkled, and other skin imperfections. Laser light penetrates to a controlled depth, making the procedure safe. Due to the laser being gentle, it makes easier for you to quickly return to your daily normal routines.

Fast, Safe, and Gentle
UltraPulse laser skin resurfacing is fast, safe and gentle. The treatment is bloodless and does not involve chemicals.  In the first few days after the procedure, your skin will weep as new collagen is formed to rebuild the skin from the bottom up. Some crusting may develop as a new skin surface is formed. This new skin will have a pinkish to reddish quality which fades over the next few days to weeks. Post-procedure discomfort is usually minor. Thick ointments are applied liberally for the first few days to protect the new skin, followed by moisturizers with sun block or Aloe Vera lotion. Makeup can usually be resumed after 7-10 days. The effect of the treatment develops over a few months following the procedure and can be expected to last for several years. The results of any cosmetic procedure can be expected to fade over time as the natural aging process takes over, at which time the procedure can be repeated. Find out if you’re a candidate for CO(2) or COOL-SKIN laser  skin resurfacing.

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